MCH reference card and MCH pocket card
Heads Up Concussion
NCAA coaches sheet
ncaa coaches sheet
Heads Up: Graphics and Infographics
SCAT2: Sport Concussion Assessment Tool 2
Pocket SCAT2
Balance Error Scoring System (BESS) Demonstration
Balance Error Scoring System (BESS) manual and scorecard
Consensus Statement on Concussion in Sport: The 3rd International Conference on Concussion in Sport Held in Zurich, November 2008
Journal of Athletic Training 44(4):434-448, 2009.
This statement contains the latest recommendations for the evaluation, treatment and return to play decisions after a concussion. It includes the Sport Concussion Assessment Tool 2 (SCAT 2).
Sport-Related Concussion in Children and Adolescents
Pediatrics 126(3): 597-615, 2010
Concussion can cause symptoms that interfere with school, social and family relationships, and participation in sports. Recognzing and understanding concussions are most important, because although proper equipment, sport technique, and adherence to rules of the sport may decrease the incidence and severity of concussions, nothing has been shown to prevent them altogether. Mental and physical rest is the most important treatment. Neuropsychological testing is helpful in monitoring recovery from concussion. Return to sport should be evaluated using a progressive exercise program while monitoring a player for any return of signs or symptoms.
Converging Evidence for the Under-Reporting of Concussions in Youth Ice Hockey
British Journal of Sports Medicine 40:128-132, 2006.
Concussion rates are under-reported by minor hockey players and team personnel.
Body-Checking Rules and Childhood Injuries in Ice Hockey
Pediatrics 117(2):e143-e147, 2006
This study compared body-checking injuries, fractures, and concussions in boys’ minor hockey in jurisdictions where checking is allowed with those in jurisdictions where body checking is not allowed. The study found that increased injuries were observed in regions where body checking was allowed.
Effect of Bodychecking on Injury Rates among Minor Ice Hockey Players
CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal 175(2):155-160, 2006
This study conducted in the greater Edmonton area concluded that the introduction of body checking to 11-year-old players was associated with a large increase in injury rates.
Immediate Post-Concussion Assessment and Cognitive Testing (ImPACT) Practices of Sports Medicine Professionals
Journal of Athletic Training 44(6): 639-644, 2009.
Most athletic trainers in high school and collegiate sports administered baseline computerized neurocognitive testing to their athletes, but only half examined these tests for validity. Although virtually no athletic trainers would return a symptomatic athlete to play despite baseline neurocognitive test scores, some would return a symptom-free athlete to play despite below-baseline neurocognitive test scores.
Current Sport-Related Concussion Teaching and Clinical Practices of Sports Medicine Professionals
Journal of Athletic Training 44(4):400-404, 2009.
Most of the program directors and athletic trainers surveyed used a multifaceted approach to assessing and managing concussions. Even though the National Athletic Trainers’ Association position statement was the most frequently used reference for assessing and managing concussion and making return-to-play decisions, both the position statement and the Vienna guidelines were underused in classroom and clinical settings.