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Theberge, Nancy

"Same sport, different gender": A consideration of binary gender logic and the sport continuum in the case of ice hockey Journal Article

In: Journal of Sport and Social Issues, vol. 22, pp. 183–198, 1998.

Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: Aggression Hockey Gender Differ, Sport Psychology

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Theberge, Nancy

"Same sport, different gender": A consideration of binary gender logic and the sport continuum in the case of ice hockey Journal Article

In: Journal of Sport and Social Issues, vol. 22, pp. 183–198, 1998.

Abstract | BibTeX

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Theberge, Nancy

"Same sport, different gender": A consideration of binary gender logic and the sport continuum in the case of ice hockey Journal Article

In: Journal of Sport and Social Issues, vol. 22, pp. 183–198, 1998.

Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: Aggression Hockey Gender Differ, Sport Psychology