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Smith, A M; Stuart, M J; Dodick, D W; Roberts, W O; Alford, P W; Ashare, A B; Aubrey, M; Benson, B W; Burke, C J; Dick, R; Eickhoff, C; Emery, C A; Flashman, L A; Gaz, D; Giza, C C; Greenwald, R M; Herring, S; Hoshizaki, T B; Hudziak, J J; Huston 3rd, J; Krause, D; LaVoi, N; Leaf, M; Leddy, J J; MacPherson, A; McKee, A C; Mihalik, J P; Moessner, A M; Montelpare, W J; Putukian, M; Schneider, K J; Szalkowski, R; Tabrum, M; Whitehead, J; Wiese-Bjornstal, D M

Ice Hockey Summit II: zero tolerance for head hits and fighting.[Erratum appears in Clin J Sport Med. 2015 Jul;25(4):379] Journal Article

In: Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 78–87, 2015.

Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: *Brain Concussion/pc [Prevention & Control], *Brain Injury, *Hockey/in [Injuries], *Violence/pc [Prevention & Control], Adolescent, adult, Brain Concussion/th [Therapy], Brain Injury, Child, Chronic/pc [Prevention & Control], Chronic/th [Therapy], Congresses as Topic, Evidence-Based Medicine, Head Protective Devices/st [Standards], Hockey/st [Standards], Humans, policy, Young Adult


Chiu, W T; Huang, S J; Tsai, S H; Lin, J W; Tsai, M D; Lin, T J; Huang, W C

The impact of time, legislation, and geography on the epidemiology of traumatic brain injury Journal Article

In: Journal of Clinical Neuroscience, vol. 14, no. 10, pp. 930–935, 2007.

Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: *Accidents, *Brain Injuries/ep [Epidemiology], *Legislation as Topic/sn [Statistics & Numerical D, *Rural Population/sn [Statistics & Numerical Data], *Urban Population/sn [Statistics & Numerical Data], Accidents, adult, age distribution, aged, Cohort Studies, Female, Head Protective Devices/sn [Statistics & Numerical, Head Protective Devices/st [Standards], Humans, Incidence, Legislation as Topic/td [Trends], Male, middle aged, Motorcycles/lj [Legislation & Jurisprudence], Motorcycles/sn [Statistics & Numerical Data], Motorcycles/st [Standards], Prospective Studies, Rural Population/td [Trends], Sex Distribution, Taiwan/ep [Epidemiology], Time Factors, Traffic/lj [Legislation & Jurisprudence, Traffic/pc [Prevention & Control], Traffic/sn [Statistics & Numerical Dat, Trauma Severity Indices, Urban Population/td [Trends]

Reference Search

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Smith, A M; Stuart, M J; Dodick, D W; Roberts, W O; Alford, P W; Ashare, A B; Aubrey, M; Benson, B W; Burke, C J; Dick, R; Eickhoff, C; Emery, C A; Flashman, L A; Gaz, D; Giza, C C; Greenwald, R M; Herring, S; Hoshizaki, T B; Hudziak, J J; Huston 3rd, J; Krause, D; LaVoi, N; Leaf, M; Leddy, J J; MacPherson, A; McKee, A C; Mihalik, J P; Moessner, A M; Montelpare, W J; Putukian, M; Schneider, K J; Szalkowski, R; Tabrum, M; Whitehead, J; Wiese-Bjornstal, D M

Ice Hockey Summit II: zero tolerance for head hits and fighting.[Erratum appears in Clin J Sport Med. 2015 Jul;25(4):379] Journal Article

In: Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 78–87, 2015.

Abstract | BibTeX


Chiu, W T; Huang, S J; Tsai, S H; Lin, J W; Tsai, M D; Lin, T J; Huang, W C

The impact of time, legislation, and geography on the epidemiology of traumatic brain injury Journal Article

In: Journal of Clinical Neuroscience, vol. 14, no. 10, pp. 930–935, 2007.

Abstract | BibTeX

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Smith, A M; Stuart, M J; Dodick, D W; Roberts, W O; Alford, P W; Ashare, A B; Aubrey, M; Benson, B W; Burke, C J; Dick, R; Eickhoff, C; Emery, C A; Flashman, L A; Gaz, D; Giza, C C; Greenwald, R M; Herring, S; Hoshizaki, T B; Hudziak, J J; Huston 3rd, J; Krause, D; LaVoi, N; Leaf, M; Leddy, J J; MacPherson, A; McKee, A C; Mihalik, J P; Moessner, A M; Montelpare, W J; Putukian, M; Schneider, K J; Szalkowski, R; Tabrum, M; Whitehead, J; Wiese-Bjornstal, D M

Ice Hockey Summit II: zero tolerance for head hits and fighting.[Erratum appears in Clin J Sport Med. 2015 Jul;25(4):379] Journal Article

In: Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 78–87, 2015.

Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: *Brain Concussion/pc [Prevention & Control], *Brain Injury, *Hockey/in [Injuries], *Violence/pc [Prevention & Control], Adolescent, adult, Brain Concussion/th [Therapy], Brain Injury, Child, Chronic/pc [Prevention & Control], Chronic/th [Therapy], Congresses as Topic, Evidence-Based Medicine, Head Protective Devices/st [Standards], Hockey/st [Standards], Humans, policy, Young Adult


Chiu, W T; Huang, S J; Tsai, S H; Lin, J W; Tsai, M D; Lin, T J; Huang, W C

The impact of time, legislation, and geography on the epidemiology of traumatic brain injury Journal Article

In: Journal of Clinical Neuroscience, vol. 14, no. 10, pp. 930–935, 2007.

Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: *Accidents, *Brain Injuries/ep [Epidemiology], *Legislation as Topic/sn [Statistics & Numerical D, *Rural Population/sn [Statistics & Numerical Data], *Urban Population/sn [Statistics & Numerical Data], Accidents, adult, age distribution, aged, Cohort Studies, Female, Head Protective Devices/sn [Statistics & Numerical, Head Protective Devices/st [Standards], Humans, Incidence, Legislation as Topic/td [Trends], Male, middle aged, Motorcycles/lj [Legislation & Jurisprudence], Motorcycles/sn [Statistics & Numerical Data], Motorcycles/st [Standards], Prospective Studies, Rural Population/td [Trends], Sex Distribution, Taiwan/ep [Epidemiology], Time Factors, Traffic/lj [Legislation & Jurisprudence, Traffic/pc [Prevention & Control], Traffic/sn [Statistics & Numerical Dat, Trauma Severity Indices, Urban Population/td [Trends]